Monday, December 1, 2014


Hensel Global Annual Meeting and Octoberfest


THE MISSION: TO developing technologies to reach Ultimate Human Horsepower. We catapult Individuals, Teams and Organizations to Top-Speed Human Performance, which means achieving record Business Results and Market-Share, leading the USA back to the leadership position within our Global Economy.
The Hensel Global Annual Meeting, with the location being top-secret, is always the highlight of our year.  Discussions ranged from Topics of our new Mission Statement, Sales and Leadership Training, Performance Coaching and Keynote Speaking, to the blending of World-Class Sales, Strategic Selling, Behavioral Styles, Emotional Intelligence and Psycho-Cybernetics technologies.  We also discussed Indy Car and F-1 Team and Driver Initiatives, essentially bringing Performance Perfection technologies to "drive" Champions and Championships.  We also had quite spirited discussions on Global issues, such as how to continue to Build the Pillars of our American Economy by our Coaching and Training of Leaders to Champions, who will be the next Ferrari owner among us, what's the finest wine and spirit your drank over the past year (each of us brought a bottle of each for everyone enjoy, who is John dating this week and most exciting of all, who will take Captain John's lead to become the next "Captain of their Ship," and live the Jimmy Buffett lifestyle. 

Next stop, I found myself in Rome, Georgia, at Berry College...a 5-Star Campus in the woods and they host a gigantic Cross Country Invitational for Collegiate and High School...I was there...and I knew it was the perfect Lindbergh Day (a saying we used before a big invitational during my HS Cross Country days).  So what did I do...I got up at 5am, battled my way through the hang-over mine-field, got dressed-out to compete, went to the Starting Line and RACED those punks...first time to put my foot on the Starting Line in 34 years...I looked down the row to see many younger (High School and College) runners and just kept my Tenacity and Psycho-Cybernetics moving through my beer-laden synapses. Then I heard the gun and just took off...need for speed Coach said in my 1st...but for how long...I held on to the Vision of me Winning...I finished with a kick that almost forced a heart attack, but I did the Lindbergh ritual of waving with my #1 finger in the air, and while I received much applause, I stumbled into a beautiful young girl who batted her baby blues as she guided me to the woods to puke-up my PBR dinner from the previous once I was refreshed and felt that excitement once again that WE ALL REMEMBER when we was such a unique and incredible feeling, even though I couldn't walk the next day! So, my fellow Teammates, ask not what Lindbergh can do for you, ask what you can do when you put yourself out there to CONQUER...put on your shoes and run 100 feet to will bring back the memories of Winning that we all remember and cherish...remember everything Coach taught us about's an injection that truly is the Fountain of Youth...and of all aspects of our's always been that gift we all earned...bring it forward to your present day and CONQUER once again in everything you do!
My finest dinner to date was at Hall's Chophouse in Charleston, SC.  There is quite a story to be told from these 2 you can see from the smiles, it was and still is...the Best of Times.
The final destination was another in my past History...can you guess where this is (there is a clue in the background)?
Finally, to my Uncle Ray Hensel, who became my "Dad" when his Brother (my Dad) passed away in September, 2004.  That "roadie" he's holding is not a's contents contain the best Manhattan I have ever drank!  He is the only family member who has witnessed my Life "on the water," as Captain of Piece of Work and as a Landshark.  My Dad was an Engineer on a Navy ship and Ray said that he would've been proud of the Captain I became while at the Helm of Piece of Work.  All Honor to Your Name!

Friday, May 10, 2013

1000 Miles of Summer, Season 35


I just turned the corner to the Big 50, for me of course in raging speed.  Thanks to my Hensel Heritage, I maintain my fucking awesome and stunning appearance and Top-Speed mental acuity.

This new Chapter in my Life is the most Significant ever...achieving the big Goal of making it Big and Back in Palm Beach...the New HHQ-4 is the Fantastic new Headquarters of Hensel the Tropics and on the Beach...just across the street from my friend Jimmy Buffett and in the infamous Palm Beach Hotel, a Historical Landmark...and now with me much more infamous can it become?  The stories in the times to come will tell all!

Did I really break the 5 Minute Mile during last season's 1000 Miles of Summer?  How will I Top that?

 Hensel and Hartwick, Season 2, Broken Arms (circa 1979)

With Performance Perfection, that's how!  This is my Hensel Global Trademark for a new Initiative that is slated for Team Penske and Driver Helio Castroneves.  It's all about whatever it takes to be #1 and even with broken arms back in 1979, we still WON STATE!  For Team Penske and Helio, they are back on Top this Season and Hensel Global's Performance Perfection training will keep him and Team Penske there.  And here, and only here, I unleash a secret:  Will John Hensel be the new Rookie Driver on Team Penske...will he make his debut in the 2014 Indy 500?  As Jimmy says, "only time will tell!"

This is the year Hensel Global will begin it's Voyage to swiftly become the Finest Human Performance Sales and Leadership Training, Professional Speaking & Performance Coaching Enterprise on the Planet...this Mission has been in the works for some years, the "stars" are now aligned and I am ready.

Top Speed, baby!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Palm Beach: I heard I am the Comeback Kid!

A Well thought out Strategery and Action Plan is the Key to a smooth Landing...oh, how sweet it is...just check-out the Welcome Home I got, just to show a few!

I love customs in Palm Beach...she always knows how to welcome me Home...and I am not referring to the Dom!

This is the new Hensel Global Headquarters...

Who and What comes next?  This will be the most Phenomenal Chapter in my Life!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Performance Perfection Training: Season 1

Be 1st...and Live Well!

Who has achieved Performace Perfection?

1.  JFK:  He saved the World

1.  Richard Branson:  The Uber-Entrepreneur & Pioneer

1.  Roger Penske:  The Personification of Performance Perfection

1.  Jimmy Buffett:  Living the Dream

1.  Led Zeppelin:  The Perfect Team

1.  Dale Carnegie:  The Master Trainer of
                                     Character, Confidence & Human Relations

1.  Coach Tom McCracken:  The Dynasty of Being 1st

1.  Joseph P. Hensel:  Character, Honor, Integrity

1.  Alice "Red" Rinderknecht:  The Personification of Love

1.  Trudy Piesbergen:  Forever Young & Beautiful

1. Wendy Rollins:  My First & Best Girlfriend

1.  Captain America:  Harley-Davidson

1.  Nacho Figueras:  Polo

1.  Coach Leroy Schmaltz:  Row to Win

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Voyage to The Summit

The past 3 years has not been a cakewalk for anyone I know in business, and as times continue to be challenging, I have found the way to gain access to the Next Levels and Beyond.  Hensel Global is positioned very nicely to rise and become "The finest One Man International Training Conglomerate on the Planet."  Mark my words, the trail is being blazed and I am headed for the Summit.  I have been preparing for this time my entire life and as I look back it is quite obvious that every step of the way has been a process of preparation and training for what lies just before is my one and only laser-beam focus...and it has to is daunting and exciting to know that I am getting the "snap" and I have one chance to throw the perfect pass...and confident enough to know clearly that it will happen beautifully and with outcomes that will bring me to living the reality of my greatest dreams.

When I am not at the Helm of Hensel Global, I am typically enjoying a ride on my beautiful Harley, which is now a surprising and awesome part of my Lifestyle.  Since my first ride at the Charleston Harley parking lot in April, 2011 and the purchase of a new 2011 Custom 1200 Sportster, I have logged almost 15,000 miles.

As this Pirate rounds the turn towards 50, I continue to be Happy, Healthy and full of Vitality.  Next time you hear the beautiful humm of a Big Sportfish or Harley go by, give a wave and watch, as it just might be me vectoring swiftly to Margaritaville!

Friday, April 20, 2012

1000 Miles of Summer: Season 34

I just turned the corner to the Big 49, for me of course in raging speed.  Thanks to my Hensel Heritage, I maintain my fucking awesome and stunning appearance and Top-Speed mental acuity.

Did I really break the 5 Minute Mile during last season's 1000 Miles of Summer?  How will I Top that?  With Performance Perfection, that's how!  This is my Hensel Global Trademark for a new Initiative that is slated for Team Penske and Driver Helio Castroneves.  He's back on Top this Season and Hensel Global's Performance Perfection training will keep him and Team Penske there.

This is the year Hensel Global will begin it's Voyage to swiftly become the Finest Human Performance Sales and Leadership Training, Professional Speaking & Performance Coaching Enterprise on the Planet...this Mission has been in the works for some years, the "stars" are now aligned and I am ready.

Top Speed, baby!

Friday, March 2, 2012

2012: Top Speed

As Jimmy Buffett said:  "I heard I was in Town."  I came back to Palm Beach in January for Cavallino...and did it in Style:  This time Voyage A'La Maiden  was a Road-Trip aboard my Hog, donning my new Racing Suit, courtesy of Roger Penske.

I arrived in Palm Beach at raging speed of an average 83 MPH, which got me to Jet Aviation, the location of the most prestigious opening of the Cavallino event, where I was greeted by the Paparazzi and several adoring young girls who so kindly welcomed me Home.


The next morning, I was instructed to "suit-up" and be at the Palm Beach International Raceway and find 2 guys with a Yellow Ferrari #15 that will be looking to meet me.  This day turned out to be one of the most memorable of my Life.  John Hensel a Race Car Driver?


Then it was on to a Party at Bice, my favorite Palm Beach haunt...

And another party at the Famous Breakers of Palm Beach...

And now The Hensel Global Executive Office has the look of Top Speed...

Who and What comes next?

A Cowboy in the Jungle

2011 has been the year of the "Comeback Kid" for me.  The entire year was a focused effort to Re-Tool every aspect of my Life...and to stay "in the Jungle" (or, as my friends say, "in exile in South Carolina") until I am ready to re-emerge and Live Life at the Highest Levels once again back at my Southern Command Center Headquarters in Palm Beach & Miami.

I still remain at my "satellite" location on beautiful Sullivan's Island, SC, where I continue to build Hensel Global, trying to stay just ahead of the continual squall-line of our stormy economy.

Because of how important it is for me to stay the course and never, ever give-up, I have also had to continue to follow my original strategy of a night-time cash-flow gig to keep me afloat while the business is building.  This continues to be a great strategy and has allowed me to pay the bills, climb out of debt and to purchase important lifestyle additives.

This birthday, the big purchase came as a surprise, even by me:  The beautiful new Hog you see in the caption of this post.  Hensel's a Hog-rider...really?  Oh yeah, Baby!

It has been quite a Wild Ride, culminating in my first Hog event, a Police escorted ride with about 4,000 fellow riders. 

Then came the big challenge of a 704 mile Road-Trip to Hensel Global's Bi-Annual Meeting & Octoberfest in Cashiers, North Carolina, which was a real blast!  While there as a biker, I met a 70 year old ex-fighter Pilot and several girls who wanted to admire what I had on the saddle.

This year was yet another 1,000 Miles of Summer, as I have continued to stay in High School Cross Country "conditioning" by doing the miles...and once again being fast enough to break a 5 minute mile my original spikes and jacket!

As I look to make the turn into 2012, I am at Top Speed, which means I am Better and Stronger than ever, ready to continue to BE FIRST...and LIVE WELL!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1000 Miles of Summer: Season 33

As I reflect back 33 years ago to my first 1000 Miles of Summer in 1978, it was the challenge of Running an average of 16 miles every day during the Summer to prepare for another Fall Championship Season running for the notorious dynasty of The Lindbergh High School Cross Country Team.  Little did I know at the time that it was a Character-Building Preparation for Life itself.

This 1000 Miles of Summer, running with a major ankle injury from playing Polo, I run in pain while laughing at how we all ran with stress fractures and other injuries and never once lost a race, an invitational, or even the State Championship, which we won 6 years in a row.  I run listening to the music of the day, including 38 Special, REO Speedwagon, Styx, Supertramp and Journey, just to name a few.  During the Summer of 2008, I did many of my runs on the 3.1 mile course in Palm Beach and was even able to get my 1 mile clip down to a 5 minute mile pace...not bad for 31 years later!  During the Summer of 2004, I ran the Weber/Robyn course that we used to run every week, a treacherous 8 mile run with unending hills, one of which is the longest and steepest hill I have ever run.

As I run and think about my Life now, as an Entrepreneur, Leader, Corporate Sales and Leadership Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Performance Coach and Author, the success I have achieved links directly back to my years of running for The Lindbergh Cross Country Team.  From day 1, our legendary Coach, Tom McCracken made it very clear that our Dynasty of winning the State Championship was a very important responsibility and commitment:  To WIN was the only choice.  The Confidence, Leadership, Team Dynamics, Sportsmanship, Tenacity, Honor, Integrity and downright Determination and Commitment to WIN are qualities that everyone on our Team personified then...and live today.  I am sure my Teammates would agree that we were very lucky to have had such an experience that has so positively enhanced our lives.  I use so many of Coaches teachings every day and thank him for being such a phenomenal influence on my Life.

To honor him, we are planning a Reunion this year to be held at the location of our State Championships, which still today remains the location for the Missouri State Cross Country Championships, Hough Golf Course in Jefferson City, MO.  I have gone back to Jeff City every first Saturday in November since my High School days and it is quite an event to experience and reflect on those days of our Dynasty and the many character qualities and principles I learned and use today to continue my success in Life.

I look forward to seeing Coach and all of my Teammates this November.  Perhaps Mark Hartwick and I (pictured above) can toast the event with the concoction I made from my Dad's bar.  When Mark tasted it, he gave me quite a squinted look when he said, "This shit tastes like tree sap."  I would still like to know how he knows what tree sap tastes like!  I think Blackford is still driving that silver Mustang.  I still hate the Zizzers.  Where is Coach when we need him to give us some more "Remember Whens?"

Finally, I would like to send out an honorable mention to the lovely Trudy Piesbergen, one of our Co-Pilot Cheerleaders that we lost in 1981, just before her graduation.  She was a great girl and will forever remain in my heart.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Go for Launch...with Jimmy Buffett Lighting the Candle for the new Hensel Global and YOU, Inc.

Hello again Friends, Neighbors and Parrotheads,

One of the many things I admire and respect about my friend JB is he always finds a way to be a part of the solution.  This time it is about the BP Oil disaster and quickly organizing a relief concert on the beach last night.  If you saw it live on CMT, it was quite inspiring.

He also privately honored the Launch of my newly re-tooled company, Hensel Global, by singing the song, Piece of Work, which he wrote in honor of the acquisition of my first Yacht by that name, back in September of 2005.  The original website which links to this blog chronicled my adventures at the Helm, 4 years learning to be a Captain and enjoying the Lovely Cruise of life On-Board Ship.  Thank you Jimmy once again for your inspiration!

All systems are GO at Hensel Global and Life is a Beach on Sullivan's Island!

Remember, Go for 1st and Live Well!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sullivans Island, SC: Yes, I have found me a Home!

After stepping away from the Helm as Owner and Captain of my beloved Piece of Work Sportfish last April and becoming a Land-Shark once again, I began the search for yet another Destination Unknown in my Life's Voyage to Live Well.

I have followed my instincts and have kept my sense of humor over the past year, which has been one of the most challenging of my Life.  My Guardian Angels have guided me well through the long, stormy squall-line to that One Particular Harbor called Sullivans Island, SC.  It is a most lovely and peaceful place to call re-build my Business, Go for First and to Live Well!

Many thanks go out to my new "Shipmates," Rita, Milton, Sid and Cole...a very good dog.  Each of you have so very kindly offered me the most sincere Southern welcome I could have ever imagined.   I could not have chosen better Shipmates to enjoy this new Chapter in my Life.

The Official Launch of my newly re-tooled business, Hensel Global was on my Birthday, April 17. It was a personal and quiet event, toasted-in appropriately with a bottle of fine wine. The Big Launch Grand Opening Party is in the making, so stay tuned-in for the details, as this promises to be a white-hot event!

As Jimmy Buffett would say, "Try a little Love and Luck and you'll reach the Sky!"

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Charleston, South Carolina

This is the official Launch Day of my newly re-tooled company, Hensel Global! ( and It has been a year in the making and “Going Global” is not only a great growth propulsion for future business success internationally, it is also a dramatic move for my “Living Well” Lifestyle. This new Chapter in my Life promises to be filled with new success, excitement and adventure!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Charleston, South Carolina

Yes, I am still a Land-Shark here in Charleston. It has been a very cold winter for my taste, so I have taken several business trips down to Miami to thaw-out and build the business. Miami is looking very good as my next potential landfall. I love the city, culture, clubs and restaurants and of course those lovely girls from all parts south of the equator.

Hensel Global has gone through a powerful re-tooling and transformation. Check-out the new websites: and and you will see what’s new and exciting about how I have been “Building the Pillars” of my business and “Going Global.” I have set-up my Lifestyle to now be able to live and run my business from anywhere on the Planet, which is very exciting.

You can continue to follow me on my Voyages, whether they are on Land, in the Air or on the Water.

Many adventures remain here in this beautiful city with great Southern folks. The business is gaining traction, I have found a few good friends, a new lifestyle is emerging and a new Crib and Southern Command Center is in the works.

This is the year for Entrepreneurs to take our Country back again. I challenge all of my friends to make this a historically successful year for us and for our Country. We are still America and we will always kick anyone’s ass that gets in our way! It is time to step-up and be Mighty, once again. Let’s all make the commitment to make it happen collectively. Remember also to enjoy the journey, drink good red wine regularly, stay healthy, have a few good friends, a good dog and stay in touch with me often.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Charleston, South Carolina

The recent months has been a trip through the Jungle for this Carolina Cowboy, but I have emerged Victorious once again, thanks to carefully strategized hard work, a little luck and a few Good Friends and Clients who have supported my efforts and determination to get our Economy moving again through Entrepreneurship.

I have recently returned from my Hensel Enterprises Annual Meeting and Oktoberfest in the NC Mountains. The one major executive decision I made is to take my Corporate Vision GLOBAL. The new company is called Hensel Global, LLC. The Lifeforce and Lifestyle of this Vision was inspired by Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work-week. Our Global Economy, along with the technological ability to run a business from anywhere on the Planet at any time and with my Lifestyle strategy of self-reliance, living by my own rules and living well and large offers me the unique option to run my Kingdom from any pinpoint on the map…and at any time to select a new and cool place to be a Land Shark or place myself at the Helm of my next future Yacht and set-sail at Sea.

Tim Ferriss says one of the keys to making this Life Strategy work is to have a strong cash-flow to support the re-tooling stages of an expanding business and to survive down-economy times on the way to the BIG PAYDAY that the established business will certainly bring in the times to come. Well Tim, I have squarely faced that reality and have found a really fun and challenging way to accomplish the cash-flow feat. I have called the Quest I have undertaken as “The Challenge Game” and the experience has reminded me of the movie, The Game, staring Michael Douglas. I re-ignited a skill put away 27 years ago and am proud to say I have met the challenge and the cash is flowing nicely. I can also do this new gig anywhere on the Planet. You wouldn’t believe what it is…

Leaving my 10 year homestead of Palm Beach was not easy, but I left the land of cash-craving Cougars and have emerged from the gallows to a new land of the young, lovely girls of Charleston, much to the thanks of the student body of The College of Charleston. It is one beautiful body!

Stay tuned for the new adventures on Land, Water and in the Air. Remember, there’s always room at my Crib Kingdom for a few good friends to join me and my dog, Rocky, so come on over and welcome aboard!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Charleston, South Carolina

Now that I have sold my girl, Piece of Work and have joined all of you as a “Land Shark” once again, I have set sail via the highway for the treasured city where I originally discovered and purchased Piece of Work. This time I will truly adventure Charleston from the inside out, while running my businesses, doing part-time Captain’s projects and playing Polo with Rodrigo Salinas.

Rodrigo has built a beautiful Polo Club just outside Charleston and I will be working with him to bring the great sport of Polo back to Charleston.

My new Lifestyle Dream is built on one of my strongest Lifestyle Values, which is to be 100% Mobile, being able to Work, Play, Travel and Adventure anywhere on the Planet. Now it’s Charleston. Where to next…and when? Stay Tuned!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Palm Beach, Florida

Hello again, good friends, girlfriends, and Happy Birthday to me! I have been the proud owner and Captain of Piece of Work for about 4 great and adventurous years now. This journey has been a challenging learning experience, a labor of love, a life-saving lifestyle, a dedication to my Dad, the honorable Naval Officer, my Mom, the best Navy wife ever, my friend Jimmy Buffett, who inspired me to conquer this dream and to all of the Captains and friends along the way that showed me by their actions that the nautical community is made up of the finest people I have had the honor to know.

It is at this point in my journey that I have made the decision to step away from the Helm and become a Land Shark, once again. This new Chapter in my life has been inspired by my days aboard ship, which has turned dreams into realities. My Master Plan is ever-evolving and 2009 is already showing results that have been "imagineered" some time ago.
Stay tuned to this website, as I will continue updating it with my latest adventures...on land, in the air and on the water. You will read stories about my thriving Sales and Leadership Training, Motivational Speaking and Performance Coaching business, the continued emergence of my YOU, Inc. Book, Products and Training, Performance Coaching for Indy Car Champion Helio Castroneves and Team Penske, Performance Training projects with Sir Richard Branson, Flying to new ports of call as the Co-Pilot aboard the flagship of Anglo Airlines with the legendary Captain Graham Whitfield, part-time Captain adventures on the water, playing Polo with world-class players Luis Escobar, Nacho Figueras and Rodrigo Salinas, Rowing competitively once again for the Palm Beach and Miami Beach Teams, Singing in a rock 'n roll band, and Surfing + Margaritas with Jimmy Buffett.
It is no secret that we are facing hugely challenging times. Regardless of how we got here, remember it is up to us, the Entrepreneurs and hard working individuals to blaze the trail back to our thriving USA that still rules the World. We are America and we will thrive once again, and stronger than ever. My wish is for everyone to dream big this year and enjoy the rewards of the grand pursuit to achieve your unique and powerful potential! 

As Jimmy Buffett would say: "If we weren't all crazy, we would just go insane!" And I say, "When life hands you limes, make margaritas!"

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Palm Beach, Florida Part 2

I am sure all of my friends and fans have been asking, "where have you been since Voyage a la Maiden?" Well, the simple answer is that I have been "below the radar." My friends know that can mean anything from women to work to simply living well. It's much more complicated than that, but let's leave the dead past in the 8 foot ditch where it belongs!
It's now 2008...just in time to Celebrate...with a Clean Slate. I am still in Palm Beach, which has been my Southern Command Home Base since 2000. My sweet and Loyal Piece of Work is looking and running better than ever, mostly due to her fine Captain's "balls-to-the-wall" pace of continuous-motion polishing and "ass-up" positioning while cleaning bilges and toilet bowls.
My professional life as an Entrepreneur is phenomenal these days. Check out my work at and
Recent visitations by my friend, Jimmy Buffett and long-time girlfriend, Rachel McAdams are highlights so far this new year. The pics are poor but the realities are great...You gotta love my life!

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Palm Beach, Florida Part 1

A 9 year dream is coming into play today, as I begin to see the familiar shoreline of Palm Beach from the Gulf Stream. Mother Ocean has granted me the loveliest of days to travel, as she is calm and tranquil for the final day of Voyage a la Maiden. As we turn into the Palm Beach inlet, I give the helm over to Josh Gulbranson, my dear friend and co-Captain and head down to the engine room for a final safety check. Once completed, I hurry into the Salon to privately toast a very important moment in my nautical history.
While reaching for the rum bottle in the galley, I get somewhat emotional as I reflect on my very first visit to Palm Beach: I drove up A1A from Fort Lauderdale to Palm Beach, which is one of the most beautiful scenic stretches along the ocean I have ever seen. When I arrived in Palm Beach, I accidentally found The Colony Hotel, which became my “staging area” before I bought my first home here about 1 year later. It is still one of my favorite places to relax and hang out. I also found the Kennedy Estate and got pictures of me in front of the entrance gate with a big stogie in my mouth. I stood on the exact site of a famous picture almost to the day of my birthday, Easter, 1963, of Jack, Jackie, John-John, and Kathleen. I felt the power and majesty in the air and as I took a deep breath and a puff of my cigar, I could hear a voice deep inside my head. It was Jack's unmistakable voice: “Johnny-boy, Palm Beach is now where your power and majesty shall reign. Let the wisdom of your words go forth and do great things.” What a message! A tear came down my cheek and I shook the caretakers hand and thanked him for his kindness and courtesy. Next, I came over the Royal Poinciana Bridge and noticed a beautiful little marina just to the North and on the West Palm Beach side. Like a magnet, I locked in on the site and headed over to what I found was the famous Palm Beach Yacht Club. I walked down the dock and saw the custom sportfish yachts. I much later learned they were the locally built Rybovich yachts...and would never forget the look of the classic, custom-built sportfish look. Moments later, I had the distinct honor of meeting the Dockmaster, Mr. Steve Cox. What a great man of character, also having the worldly knowledge of life on the water. He has seen it all here, as he has been the master of the docks for over 30 years. As we chatted, I shared with him my dreams of moving to Palm Beach and of someday purchasing one of these beautiful custom sportfish yachts and to live full-time on the water. He offered me a nautical map of the area and suggested I keep it as a remembrance of our discussion, fully encouraging me to reach for the big dream. After that day, my life would never be the same...

In April of 2000, I finally moved to Palm Beach permanently and bought my first home on the water. I visited the Palm Beach Yacht Club many times and always Steve Cox was there to greet me. On September 30, 2005, I finally purchased my custom sportfish yacht, Piece of Work. I will never forget the call I made to tell him of reaching my big dream. He was overjoyed and promised me the best slip in the marina for my arrival.

Now I am just minutes away from pulling into that slip and successfully concluding Voyage a la Maiden as Captain of my Ship. I took a shot to honor my dad, to whom I dedicated this boat. I took another shot to honor Steve and his encouragement. And yet one more shot to honor Jimmy Buffett for his inspiration. Now it's back up to the bridge to take the helm for the final leg of our journey and to dock my girl into her new home...the exact place I have dreamed about for 9 years!

Friday, September 1, 2006

Hilton Head, South Carolina Part 4

Well Friends and Neighbors, we have been below the Radar and in the Engine Room for weeks now. I apologize for being in the state of “Incommunicado,” as I know you all have been checking the website daily as to our coordinates. Fear not, as we are now above the Radar and on the Bridge, readying our beloved Piece of Work for the continuance of Maiden A La Voyage.

It will not be easy to say Good-bye to the many new friends I have been blessed to know, so I will simply bid all of you Farewell and See You Later: Surveyor/Capt. Neil Haynes, Mechanics Mikey and Boss Stuart, The Infamous Buddy Dardin, Capt. Steve Hutton (a.k.a. Honey W. Bucket), Divers Mike Majors and Brian Walker, Capt. Mic, Capt. Phil Smith, Capt. John Burke, and of course, the entire Harbour Town Marina crew. I am honored and proud to know each of you and look forward to seeing all of you in the times ahead.

I would like to especially thank the vacationing and local babes who left their heels on the dock and came aboard to spend time in Johnnyland. I trust your memories are as good as mine!

We will be “Go for Launch” around September 30, with our Entourage and Destination unknown. If you are lucky enough to be with us, the destination won’t even matter, because wherever we are, it’s still Johnnyland. If any of you are wondering where the Hell Johnnyland is, it shares the same “mindspace” as Margaritaville, which means it's anywhere you want it to be. And I’ll let you in on a little secret: If you are in Johnnyland, you WILL be drinking Margaritas!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Hilton Head, South Carolina Part 3

Well, Friends and Neighbors, we're still here at Harbour Town. It turns out that our girl is going to require a Port Engine Rebuild. We are all saddened by her sudden ailments but we are lucky to have the best surgeon this side of the Mississippi, Mr. Mike Levy. Boy does he carry a big wrench! I called my friend Jimmy Buffett to give me some “mental floss” and he stated with a grin I could feel in his tone, “Johnny boy, you are still the luckiest son-of-a-bitch who get's to live life by your own rules and be on the water 24/7. This is just a blip on your Hollywood Hensel radar screen. Go the the marina bar, get a Margaritaville Margarita and save me and Spider a seat.” He just happened to be in Charleston again, after being there in May to see my boat (proof is in the on Come Aboard) and grabbed Captain Spider and flew in to Hilton Head. He and Spider were sitting next to me by the end of my second Margarita. Nothing like private travel, you Rock Star! As he once said, all you really need is a good boat and “a few good friends.” With that said, I'm good to go! Be sure to continue to check-in on our progress of Voyage a la Maiden, as we will be heading ??? very soon.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hilton Head, South Carolina Part 2

If you have been keeping up with our Voyage a la Maiden, you know Captain Bill Burr and I have been at Harbour Town Marina in Hilton Head, SC since last Friday afternoon. It turns out that our original diagnosis about the turbo issue was incorrect. Yes, friends and neighbors, Hensel is usually most accurate at making assessments, be it man or machine, but in this case his brain synapse must have malfunctioned. The world-renowned mechanic Mike Levy from Williams-Detroit Diesel arrived Monday morning with a wrench that he must have borrowed from Tony Soprano and went about providing
me with a day of questions and answers. Well, as Jimmy Buffett has said, he had me scratching my head with “answers to questions that are bothering me so.” It appears that the turbos are fine, although the port housing showed distinct signs of salt water intrusion. Not good. Even worse was the salt water intrusion we found among the pistons. Worse still are bent rods caused by this issue, not to mention the corrosion and scoring issues to the beloved pistons. The smoke in the engine room upon arrival was actually caused by an exhaust leak which also needs tending to. And, all the while, we have the threat of a Category 1 Hurricane (Alberto) heading our way. Well Mike, do your magic and let's get our girl ready for our next waypoint. Many thanks to the new friends and neighbors we are making here at Harbor Town, especially our starboard slip neighbor and local, Archer Crose, aka Mayor, and to port, Howard. Also to our harbour master staff and our gracious dockmasters Jimmy, Greg, and Abbie, who puts on a great smile and even looks good in foul weather gear! In my book YOU, Inc., I wrote: “What happens to you in the big board game of life means very little...What you do about it makes the critical difference.” So, what I am going to do is live well here at Harbor Town and enjoy the process of working with Mike to get our girl healthy once again. We'll be seeing you!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Hilton Head, South Carolina Part 1

Day 1 of Voyage a la Maiden was a fantastic journey from Charleston to Hilton Head. We stayed o
n the Intercoastal Waterway in order to enjoy the beautiful South Carolina low country, which is still so unspoiled. Since part of my restoration process involved the Engine Room and all Systems, we had her ready for the absolutely perfect performance she showed us. She ran so sweet and smooth, as if she was buzzing on finely aged rum! I can tell you that Bill and I certainly were! Once arriving at Harbor Town Marina, we refueled and I pulled her into her new slip, after which I smelled smoke. Well, friends and neighbors, we will be here for awhile, as our Port Turbo blew out. One of my primary new rules is to live life to the fullest, no matter what happens, so Bill and I will be making new friends and enjoying life here while we get our girl underway once again to ports unknown. Be sure to stay in touch and we'll be seeing you!

Friday, June 9, 2006

Charleston, South Carolina

As I awoke at 6:00 am. today, I stepped out onto the deck of Piece of Work and realized that the stellar sunrise, clear skies and calm winds were a sign that my 15 year dream was to become a reality today.

Eight months ago I purchased Piece of Work and have been hard at work restoring her so that she could
proudly live up to her new name. Today, my dear friend Captain Bill Burr and myself departed Charleston, SC for destinations you will learn about if you stay in touch with us as our welcomed crew on this Voyage a la Maiden. We are underway and as Jimmy Buffett would say, “Fast enough to get there and slow enough to see.”

We hope to be seeing you throughout this journey and look forward to receiving your comments.