Friday, March 2, 2012

A Cowboy in the Jungle

2011 has been the year of the "Comeback Kid" for me.  The entire year was a focused effort to Re-Tool every aspect of my Life...and to stay "in the Jungle" (or, as my friends say, "in exile in South Carolina") until I am ready to re-emerge and Live Life at the Highest Levels once again back at my Southern Command Center Headquarters in Palm Beach & Miami.

I still remain at my "satellite" location on beautiful Sullivan's Island, SC, where I continue to build Hensel Global, trying to stay just ahead of the continual squall-line of our stormy economy.

Because of how important it is for me to stay the course and never, ever give-up, I have also had to continue to follow my original strategy of a night-time cash-flow gig to keep me afloat while the business is building.  This continues to be a great strategy and has allowed me to pay the bills, climb out of debt and to purchase important lifestyle additives.

This birthday, the big purchase came as a surprise, even by me:  The beautiful new Hog you see in the caption of this post.  Hensel's a Hog-rider...really?  Oh yeah, Baby!

It has been quite a Wild Ride, culminating in my first Hog event, a Police escorted ride with about 4,000 fellow riders. 

Then came the big challenge of a 704 mile Road-Trip to Hensel Global's Bi-Annual Meeting & Octoberfest in Cashiers, North Carolina, which was a real blast!  While there as a biker, I met a 70 year old ex-fighter Pilot and several girls who wanted to admire what I had on the saddle.

This year was yet another 1,000 Miles of Summer, as I have continued to stay in High School Cross Country "conditioning" by doing the miles...and once again being fast enough to break a 5 minute mile my original spikes and jacket!

As I look to make the turn into 2012, I am at Top Speed, which means I am Better and Stronger than ever, ready to continue to BE FIRST...and LIVE WELL!

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