Friday, September 1, 2006

Hilton Head, South Carolina Part 4

Well Friends and Neighbors, we have been below the Radar and in the Engine Room for weeks now. I apologize for being in the state of “Incommunicado,” as I know you all have been checking the website daily as to our coordinates. Fear not, as we are now above the Radar and on the Bridge, readying our beloved Piece of Work for the continuance of Maiden A La Voyage.

It will not be easy to say Good-bye to the many new friends I have been blessed to know, so I will simply bid all of you Farewell and See You Later: Surveyor/Capt. Neil Haynes, Mechanics Mikey and Boss Stuart, The Infamous Buddy Dardin, Capt. Steve Hutton (a.k.a. Honey W. Bucket), Divers Mike Majors and Brian Walker, Capt. Mic, Capt. Phil Smith, Capt. John Burke, and of course, the entire Harbour Town Marina crew. I am honored and proud to know each of you and look forward to seeing all of you in the times ahead.

I would like to especially thank the vacationing and local babes who left their heels on the dock and came aboard to spend time in Johnnyland. I trust your memories are as good as mine!

We will be “Go for Launch” around September 30, with our Entourage and Destination unknown. If you are lucky enough to be with us, the destination won’t even matter, because wherever we are, it’s still Johnnyland. If any of you are wondering where the Hell Johnnyland is, it shares the same “mindspace” as Margaritaville, which means it's anywhere you want it to be. And I’ll let you in on a little secret: If you are in Johnnyland, you WILL be drinking Margaritas!

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