Monday, July 12, 2010

Go for Launch...with Jimmy Buffett Lighting the Candle for the new Hensel Global and YOU, Inc.

Hello again Friends, Neighbors and Parrotheads,

One of the many things I admire and respect about my friend JB is he always finds a way to be a part of the solution.  This time it is about the BP Oil disaster and quickly organizing a relief concert on the beach last night.  If you saw it live on CMT, it was quite inspiring.

He also privately honored the Launch of my newly re-tooled company, Hensel Global, by singing the song, Piece of Work, which he wrote in honor of the acquisition of my first Yacht by that name, back in September of 2005.  The original website which links to this blog chronicled my adventures at the Helm, 4 years learning to be a Captain and enjoying the Lovely Cruise of life On-Board Ship.  Thank you Jimmy once again for your inspiration!

All systems are GO at Hensel Global and Life is a Beach on Sullivan's Island!

Remember, Go for 1st and Live Well!!!

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