Friday, March 2, 2012

2012: Top Speed

As Jimmy Buffett said:  "I heard I was in Town."  I came back to Palm Beach in January for Cavallino...and did it in Style:  This time Voyage A'La Maiden  was a Road-Trip aboard my Hog, donning my new Racing Suit, courtesy of Roger Penske.

I arrived in Palm Beach at raging speed of an average 83 MPH, which got me to Jet Aviation, the location of the most prestigious opening of the Cavallino event, where I was greeted by the Paparazzi and several adoring young girls who so kindly welcomed me Home.


The next morning, I was instructed to "suit-up" and be at the Palm Beach International Raceway and find 2 guys with a Yellow Ferrari #15 that will be looking to meet me.  This day turned out to be one of the most memorable of my Life.  John Hensel a Race Car Driver?


Then it was on to a Party at Bice, my favorite Palm Beach haunt...

And another party at the Famous Breakers of Palm Beach...

And now The Hensel Global Executive Office has the look of Top Speed...

Who and What comes next?

A Cowboy in the Jungle

2011 has been the year of the "Comeback Kid" for me.  The entire year was a focused effort to Re-Tool every aspect of my Life...and to stay "in the Jungle" (or, as my friends say, "in exile in South Carolina") until I am ready to re-emerge and Live Life at the Highest Levels once again back at my Southern Command Center Headquarters in Palm Beach & Miami.

I still remain at my "satellite" location on beautiful Sullivan's Island, SC, where I continue to build Hensel Global, trying to stay just ahead of the continual squall-line of our stormy economy.

Because of how important it is for me to stay the course and never, ever give-up, I have also had to continue to follow my original strategy of a night-time cash-flow gig to keep me afloat while the business is building.  This continues to be a great strategy and has allowed me to pay the bills, climb out of debt and to purchase important lifestyle additives.

This birthday, the big purchase came as a surprise, even by me:  The beautiful new Hog you see in the caption of this post.  Hensel's a Hog-rider...really?  Oh yeah, Baby!

It has been quite a Wild Ride, culminating in my first Hog event, a Police escorted ride with about 4,000 fellow riders. 

Then came the big challenge of a 704 mile Road-Trip to Hensel Global's Bi-Annual Meeting & Octoberfest in Cashiers, North Carolina, which was a real blast!  While there as a biker, I met a 70 year old ex-fighter Pilot and several girls who wanted to admire what I had on the saddle.

This year was yet another 1,000 Miles of Summer, as I have continued to stay in High School Cross Country "conditioning" by doing the miles...and once again being fast enough to break a 5 minute mile my original spikes and jacket!

As I look to make the turn into 2012, I am at Top Speed, which means I am Better and Stronger than ever, ready to continue to BE FIRST...and LIVE WELL!