Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Charleston, South Carolina

The recent months has been a trip through the Jungle for this Carolina Cowboy, but I have emerged Victorious once again, thanks to carefully strategized hard work, a little luck and a few Good Friends and Clients who have supported my efforts and determination to get our Economy moving again through Entrepreneurship.

I have recently returned from my Hensel Enterprises Annual Meeting and Oktoberfest in the NC Mountains. The one major executive decision I made is to take my Corporate Vision GLOBAL. The new company is called Hensel Global, LLC. The Lifeforce and Lifestyle of this Vision was inspired by Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work-week. Our Global Economy, along with the technological ability to run a business from anywhere on the Planet at any time and with my Lifestyle strategy of self-reliance, living by my own rules and living well and large offers me the unique option to run my Kingdom from any pinpoint on the map…and at any time to select a new and cool place to be a Land Shark or place myself at the Helm of my next future Yacht and set-sail at Sea.

Tim Ferriss says one of the keys to making this Life Strategy work is to have a strong cash-flow to support the re-tooling stages of an expanding business and to survive down-economy times on the way to the BIG PAYDAY that the established business will certainly bring in the times to come. Well Tim, I have squarely faced that reality and have found a really fun and challenging way to accomplish the cash-flow feat. I have called the Quest I have undertaken as “The Challenge Game” and the experience has reminded me of the movie, The Game, staring Michael Douglas. I re-ignited a skill put away 27 years ago and am proud to say I have met the challenge and the cash is flowing nicely. I can also do this new gig anywhere on the Planet. You wouldn’t believe what it is…

Leaving my 10 year homestead of Palm Beach was not easy, but I left the land of cash-craving Cougars and have emerged from the gallows to a new land of the young, lovely girls of Charleston, much to the thanks of the student body of The College of Charleston. It is one beautiful body!

Stay tuned for the new adventures on Land, Water and in the Air. Remember, there’s always room at my Crib Kingdom for a few good friends to join me and my dog, Rocky, so come on over and welcome aboard!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Charleston, South Carolina

Now that I have sold my girl, Piece of Work and have joined all of you as a “Land Shark” once again, I have set sail via the highway for the treasured city where I originally discovered and purchased Piece of Work. This time I will truly adventure Charleston from the inside out, while running my businesses, doing part-time Captain’s projects and playing Polo with Rodrigo Salinas.

Rodrigo has built a beautiful Polo Club just outside Charleston and I will be working with him to bring the great sport of Polo back to Charleston.

My new Lifestyle Dream is built on one of my strongest Lifestyle Values, which is to be 100% Mobile, being able to Work, Play, Travel and Adventure anywhere on the Planet. Now it’s Charleston. Where to next…and when? Stay Tuned!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Palm Beach, Florida

Hello again, good friends, girlfriends, and Happy Birthday to me! I have been the proud owner and Captain of Piece of Work for about 4 great and adventurous years now. This journey has been a challenging learning experience, a labor of love, a life-saving lifestyle, a dedication to my Dad, the honorable Naval Officer, my Mom, the best Navy wife ever, my friend Jimmy Buffett, who inspired me to conquer this dream and to all of the Captains and friends along the way that showed me by their actions that the nautical community is made up of the finest people I have had the honor to know.

It is at this point in my journey that I have made the decision to step away from the Helm and become a Land Shark, once again. This new Chapter in my life has been inspired by my days aboard ship, which has turned dreams into realities. My Master Plan is ever-evolving and 2009 is already showing results that have been "imagineered" some time ago.
Stay tuned to this website, as I will continue updating it with my latest adventures...on land, in the air and on the water. You will read stories about my thriving Sales and Leadership Training, Motivational Speaking and Performance Coaching business, the continued emergence of my YOU, Inc. Book, Products and Training, Performance Coaching for Indy Car Champion Helio Castroneves and Team Penske, Performance Training projects with Sir Richard Branson, Flying to new ports of call as the Co-Pilot aboard the flagship of Anglo Airlines with the legendary Captain Graham Whitfield, part-time Captain adventures on the water, playing Polo with world-class players Luis Escobar, Nacho Figueras and Rodrigo Salinas, Rowing competitively once again for the Palm Beach and Miami Beach Teams, Singing in a rock 'n roll band, and Surfing + Margaritas with Jimmy Buffett.
It is no secret that we are facing hugely challenging times. Regardless of how we got here, remember it is up to us, the Entrepreneurs and hard working individuals to blaze the trail back to our thriving USA that still rules the World. We are America and we will thrive once again, and stronger than ever. My wish is for everyone to dream big this year and enjoy the rewards of the grand pursuit to achieve your unique and powerful potential! 

As Jimmy Buffett would say: "If we weren't all crazy, we would just go insane!" And I say, "When life hands you limes, make margaritas!"