Sunday, September 3, 2006

Palm Beach, Florida Part 1

A 9 year dream is coming into play today, as I begin to see the familiar shoreline of Palm Beach from the Gulf Stream. Mother Ocean has granted me the loveliest of days to travel, as she is calm and tranquil for the final day of Voyage a la Maiden. As we turn into the Palm Beach inlet, I give the helm over to Josh Gulbranson, my dear friend and co-Captain and head down to the engine room for a final safety check. Once completed, I hurry into the Salon to privately toast a very important moment in my nautical history.
While reaching for the rum bottle in the galley, I get somewhat emotional as I reflect on my very first visit to Palm Beach: I drove up A1A from Fort Lauderdale to Palm Beach, which is one of the most beautiful scenic stretches along the ocean I have ever seen. When I arrived in Palm Beach, I accidentally found The Colony Hotel, which became my “staging area” before I bought my first home here about 1 year later. It is still one of my favorite places to relax and hang out. I also found the Kennedy Estate and got pictures of me in front of the entrance gate with a big stogie in my mouth. I stood on the exact site of a famous picture almost to the day of my birthday, Easter, 1963, of Jack, Jackie, John-John, and Kathleen. I felt the power and majesty in the air and as I took a deep breath and a puff of my cigar, I could hear a voice deep inside my head. It was Jack's unmistakable voice: “Johnny-boy, Palm Beach is now where your power and majesty shall reign. Let the wisdom of your words go forth and do great things.” What a message! A tear came down my cheek and I shook the caretakers hand and thanked him for his kindness and courtesy. Next, I came over the Royal Poinciana Bridge and noticed a beautiful little marina just to the North and on the West Palm Beach side. Like a magnet, I locked in on the site and headed over to what I found was the famous Palm Beach Yacht Club. I walked down the dock and saw the custom sportfish yachts. I much later learned they were the locally built Rybovich yachts...and would never forget the look of the classic, custom-built sportfish look. Moments later, I had the distinct honor of meeting the Dockmaster, Mr. Steve Cox. What a great man of character, also having the worldly knowledge of life on the water. He has seen it all here, as he has been the master of the docks for over 30 years. As we chatted, I shared with him my dreams of moving to Palm Beach and of someday purchasing one of these beautiful custom sportfish yachts and to live full-time on the water. He offered me a nautical map of the area and suggested I keep it as a remembrance of our discussion, fully encouraging me to reach for the big dream. After that day, my life would never be the same...

In April of 2000, I finally moved to Palm Beach permanently and bought my first home on the water. I visited the Palm Beach Yacht Club many times and always Steve Cox was there to greet me. On September 30, 2005, I finally purchased my custom sportfish yacht, Piece of Work. I will never forget the call I made to tell him of reaching my big dream. He was overjoyed and promised me the best slip in the marina for my arrival.

Now I am just minutes away from pulling into that slip and successfully concluding Voyage a la Maiden as Captain of my Ship. I took a shot to honor my dad, to whom I dedicated this boat. I took another shot to honor Steve and his encouragement. And yet one more shot to honor Jimmy Buffett for his inspiration. Now it's back up to the bridge to take the helm for the final leg of our journey and to dock my girl into her new home...the exact place I have dreamed about for 9 years!

Friday, September 1, 2006

Hilton Head, South Carolina Part 4

Well Friends and Neighbors, we have been below the Radar and in the Engine Room for weeks now. I apologize for being in the state of “Incommunicado,” as I know you all have been checking the website daily as to our coordinates. Fear not, as we are now above the Radar and on the Bridge, readying our beloved Piece of Work for the continuance of Maiden A La Voyage.

It will not be easy to say Good-bye to the many new friends I have been blessed to know, so I will simply bid all of you Farewell and See You Later: Surveyor/Capt. Neil Haynes, Mechanics Mikey and Boss Stuart, The Infamous Buddy Dardin, Capt. Steve Hutton (a.k.a. Honey W. Bucket), Divers Mike Majors and Brian Walker, Capt. Mic, Capt. Phil Smith, Capt. John Burke, and of course, the entire Harbour Town Marina crew. I am honored and proud to know each of you and look forward to seeing all of you in the times ahead.

I would like to especially thank the vacationing and local babes who left their heels on the dock and came aboard to spend time in Johnnyland. I trust your memories are as good as mine!

We will be “Go for Launch” around September 30, with our Entourage and Destination unknown. If you are lucky enough to be with us, the destination won’t even matter, because wherever we are, it’s still Johnnyland. If any of you are wondering where the Hell Johnnyland is, it shares the same “mindspace” as Margaritaville, which means it's anywhere you want it to be. And I’ll let you in on a little secret: If you are in Johnnyland, you WILL be drinking Margaritas!