Sunday, December 23, 2012

Performance Perfection Training: Season 1

Be 1st...and Live Well!

Who has achieved Performace Perfection?

1.  JFK:  He saved the World

1.  Richard Branson:  The Uber-Entrepreneur & Pioneer

1.  Roger Penske:  The Personification of Performance Perfection

1.  Jimmy Buffett:  Living the Dream

1.  Led Zeppelin:  The Perfect Team

1.  Dale Carnegie:  The Master Trainer of
                                     Character, Confidence & Human Relations

1.  Coach Tom McCracken:  The Dynasty of Being 1st

1.  Joseph P. Hensel:  Character, Honor, Integrity

1.  Alice "Red" Rinderknecht:  The Personification of Love

1.  Trudy Piesbergen:  Forever Young & Beautiful

1. Wendy Rollins:  My First & Best Girlfriend

1.  Captain America:  Harley-Davidson

1.  Nacho Figueras:  Polo

1.  Coach Leroy Schmaltz:  Row to Win