Wednesday, August 18, 2010

1000 Miles of Summer: Season 33

As I reflect back 33 years ago to my first 1000 Miles of Summer in 1978, it was the challenge of Running an average of 16 miles every day during the Summer to prepare for another Fall Championship Season running for the notorious dynasty of The Lindbergh High School Cross Country Team.  Little did I know at the time that it was a Character-Building Preparation for Life itself.

This 1000 Miles of Summer, running with a major ankle injury from playing Polo, I run in pain while laughing at how we all ran with stress fractures and other injuries and never once lost a race, an invitational, or even the State Championship, which we won 6 years in a row.  I run listening to the music of the day, including 38 Special, REO Speedwagon, Styx, Supertramp and Journey, just to name a few.  During the Summer of 2008, I did many of my runs on the 3.1 mile course in Palm Beach and was even able to get my 1 mile clip down to a 5 minute mile pace...not bad for 31 years later!  During the Summer of 2004, I ran the Weber/Robyn course that we used to run every week, a treacherous 8 mile run with unending hills, one of which is the longest and steepest hill I have ever run.

As I run and think about my Life now, as an Entrepreneur, Leader, Corporate Sales and Leadership Trainer, Motivational Speaker, Performance Coach and Author, the success I have achieved links directly back to my years of running for The Lindbergh Cross Country Team.  From day 1, our legendary Coach, Tom McCracken made it very clear that our Dynasty of winning the State Championship was a very important responsibility and commitment:  To WIN was the only choice.  The Confidence, Leadership, Team Dynamics, Sportsmanship, Tenacity, Honor, Integrity and downright Determination and Commitment to WIN are qualities that everyone on our Team personified then...and live today.  I am sure my Teammates would agree that we were very lucky to have had such an experience that has so positively enhanced our lives.  I use so many of Coaches teachings every day and thank him for being such a phenomenal influence on my Life.

To honor him, we are planning a Reunion this year to be held at the location of our State Championships, which still today remains the location for the Missouri State Cross Country Championships, Hough Golf Course in Jefferson City, MO.  I have gone back to Jeff City every first Saturday in November since my High School days and it is quite an event to experience and reflect on those days of our Dynasty and the many character qualities and principles I learned and use today to continue my success in Life.

I look forward to seeing Coach and all of my Teammates this November.  Perhaps Mark Hartwick and I (pictured above) can toast the event with the concoction I made from my Dad's bar.  When Mark tasted it, he gave me quite a squinted look when he said, "This shit tastes like tree sap."  I would still like to know how he knows what tree sap tastes like!  I think Blackford is still driving that silver Mustang.  I still hate the Zizzers.  Where is Coach when we need him to give us some more "Remember Whens?"

Finally, I would like to send out an honorable mention to the lovely Trudy Piesbergen, one of our Co-Pilot Cheerleaders that we lost in 1981, just before her graduation.  She was a great girl and will forever remain in my heart.